Good Corporate Governance
Champion Good Governance Practices 

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Beautiful analytics to grow smarter

Climate-related risks are integrated into our enterprise risk management process. 

We recognize that strong corporate governance and transparent reporting are key drivers of long-term sustainability. The ongoing attention of the Board of Directors and executive management to governance topics have enabled the successful, continual improvement of the Company’s governance profile and the avoidance of significant non-compliance issues. The Company is committed to being a champion of good governance practices.
MacBook mockup
GreenMT Goal

Good Corporate

Targets and KPIs
Compliance with Commonsense Principles of Corporate Governance
Maintain a diverse array of skills, experiences, perspectives, and other characteristics on the Board of Directors
No significant governance concerns were raised
37.5% women and 12.5% racial/ethnic diversity on the Board, with cybersecurity expertise and other critical skills represented
GreenMT Goal

Disclosure of GreenMT Progress

Targets and KPIs
Achieve consistently good ratings with select external rating agencies
First or second decile ranking with many leading rating organizations
GreenMT Goal

Strategy and Disclosure Alignment

Targets and KPIs
Alignment with GRI, TCFD, SASB, and UN SDGs
CRR published annually, with external assurance of emissions data and cross-referencing to relevant frameworks
Sustainable Development Goals
Company Policies
  • Vision, Values, and Integrity
  • Equal Employment Opportunity
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Historically, including in 2023, we have three governance priorities:
  • Compliance with relevant standards and principles.
  • Providing meaningful disclosure on our activities and progress.
  • Aligning our strategy and disclosure practices with the third-party standards, goals, and frameworks that are most relevant to our business and of the greatest interest to our stakeholders.
While these topics remain an ongoing focus, we are evolving our approach to ensure our good governance meets emerging regulatory demands around the world. We enhance our good governance by continually aligning internal strategies with our GreenMT program and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities.

Disclosure and Ratings

We believe accurate and meaningful disclosure of our ESG performance is important to ensure transparency and alignment with the interests of our various stakeholders. Since 2014, we have disclosed our progress in line with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards. We carefully select the priorities where we want to optimize our impact while contributing to our overall business strategies. GRI provides a useful and broadly accepted framework for us to communicate these priorities and our progress to interested stakeholders.  

We prioritize engagement with third-party raters that we believe are relevant to our various stakeholders. We have a history of high performance with many raters, including the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), MSCI, Sustainalytics, ISS, and S&P Global.  

We also are a member of several sustainability platforms that help promote ethical supply chains. We use Sedex to share information with our customers about our responsible supply chain performance relating to environmental topics, health and safety, labor practices, and human rights. Our material manufacturing facilities have been subject to third-party audits, including Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA). We also are an active member of EcoVadis, a platform where suppliers and buyers are rated according to ethical, environmental, and social parameters.  

How We Connect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We believe we have a role to play in helping achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and we share the UN’s commitment to proactively address sustainability challenges. Our GreenMT strategy aligns with the SDGs most relevant to us.

We track our commitment to, and progress on, sustainability topics in our Corporate Responsibility Report, where we show how the strategic topics from our GreenMT strategy relate to the SDGs. We believe we can most directly contribute to the following SDGs with our GreenMT strategy:
  • Pursuing sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
  • Reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse
  • Increasing the use of renewable energy
  • Increasing water-use efficiency, reducing pollution, and minimizing release of hazardous materials
  • Investing in innovation and enhancing scientific research
  • Promoting safe and secure working environments and eradicating forced labor
  • Preventing corruption and bribery in all their forms